
Posts Tagged ‘cry’

Today it was Kevin’s talk on the Virgin Birth. On why this matters so much. God coming to earth as a baby. God growing up with us. The seemingly impossible possible. God come to be with us. That means He cares. That means that all our random day to day routines and work lives matter to him. Jesus spent 15 years being a carpenter before he did anything else. He knows about the routine of work, he knows about being tired and sad. He knows about our situations. He has been here. The God of the heavens and the earth is so much more wonderful and strange than we give him credit for. The God of the universe didn’t abandon his creation. He stepped into the mess and did something about it.

That’s why tonight I fight the Sunday evening blues, the feeling that I must get the week of work over to get to the weekend. I fight it because tomorrow there is purpose and meaning in each moment. Tomorrow there is new mercy. Tonight as I sleep God stays awake, watching, doing things, getting up to stuff, and tomorrow morning we will wake up into a world where He is active and alive. Tomorrow is a day alive with possibility and opportunity. For some of us it needs to be endured and survived but it is not random or pointless, it will not be a waste of time. There is splendor in the ordinary of our lives. God cares about the to do list on my desk at work. Weird eh.

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Giggling inappropriately in a prayer meeting. Comedy praying is always best. Oh and rediscovering this by the brilliant Stewart Henderson. I’m sure it’s a good thing that the talks I’m writing are making me cry.

For when our hearts weep glorious
relieved of all this miserable
Roll down canyons careless we
echoing with glee and goodness
Forming visions in the scampering dust
and skimming frisbees made of sun spots

For when our hearts weep glorious
weightless of all bitter slump
sparkling as a beach we all
then burrow through the sighing waves
to play see -saw with driftwood and shells

For when our hearts weep glorious
For when our hearts shout ‘what a hoot’
For when our hearts skip round and round
For when our hearts beat lots and more

Then there we race in radiance
and all these dreams are then and now
and after that there is no fade
For when our hearts swoop without fall
outshines all
the one who paid

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